Month: July 2022

Immersion Assembly

Today for Immersion Assembly we had 5 teams represent what we are doing for our theme, our theme for term 3 is Art works meaning art really does work.

These are the ones that I liked the most.

Team 1 is expressing their feelings with painting, for an example red means you’re feeling really angry,sad or unwell, yellow means that you’re really happy and full of energy, blue means that your really tired and feeling lazy and grey means that you’re really annoyed about something.

Team 4 is making emoji faces with clay their also doing dancing and drama. for their drama they will be expressing how their feeling by acting it out. Team 3 we’re making beat and music with their mouths and making them sync with the music in the background.

Team 5 is doing drama,dance and a bit of art, for their presentation they did drama meaning they were acting out Beauty and the beast.



For today’s lesson we did Mitey, if you don’t know what Mitey is, it’s where you express your emotions to a different person and explain why you are feeling that way, they will also express their feelings back and tell you why.